属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-添砖加瓦 政府促进房地产建设的步伐跌跌撞撞
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梦中的吊车 中世纪以来最大的建造活动
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-添砖加瓦 政府促进房地产建设的步伐跌跌撞撞
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-住房 灵活的反对
1 | (城市周围)绿化地带. | a green belt | |
2 | 不同覆盖物对城市绿地土壤保水效果的试验研究 | Study on the Effects of Different Mulches on City Green-belt Soil Water-saving | |
3 | 喷灌技术在城市道路绿化带中的应用 | Application of Sprinkler Irrigation Technique on City Road Green Belt | |
4 | 森林(绿化)地带. | a forest (green) belt | |
5 | 上海市绿化植物中四种常见刺蛾的生态位及其种间竞争 | Niche and Interspecies Competition of Four Limacodidae Species on Green Belt Plants in Shanghai | |
6 | ||1:比斯特位于伦敦绿化地带的北部和西部的弧形地区,是修建更多住宅区的理想地点:有利于上班族前往首都以及其他诸如牛津和剑桥之类的工作中心。||2:自二战之后,政府在这片弧形区域修建了一些花园城市——适合工作和居住的新型城镇。||3:比斯特拥有良好的交通网和大量肥沃的土地(这块领域中大多数新住宅区现在属于国防部)。||4:还有一位国会议员支持更多的建筑项目。 | ||1:Bicester is in the arc north and west of London’s green belt that is ideal territory for more house-building: it is good for commuters to the capital and other hubs of employment such as Oxford and Cambridge.||2:It is the arc where, after the second world war, the government built several garden cities—new towns that combined employment with a pleasant place to live.||3:Bicester has good transport links and plenty of brownfield land (most of the new homes will be on land now owned by the defence ministry).||4:It also has an MP who supports more construction. | |
7 | ||1:不过尽管所有这些都让牛津更富魅力,这种情形导致了另外的问题。很多人希望在此学习或者生活。||2:往返伦敦的费用一直上扬。||3:Hedge基金正落户在这个城市的中心。||4:毕业学生的数量自2001年以来翻倍。||5:环绕这座城市的绿化带限制了牛津城的扩张。这使得房屋价格相对于收入的比例而言高于全国其他地方。||6:当地人反对发展靠近Port Meadow的毕业生居住区。这本是一个漂亮的景点,这些年已经成为最大的城镇增长点。 | ||1:Yet if all this makes Oxford more attractive, it will accentuate another problem. Many people want to live or study there.||2:Commuting to London is rising.||3:Hedge funds are setting up in the city centre.||4:The number of graduate students has doubled (to 10,000) since 2001.||5:And yet the green belt around the city does not permit Oxford to expand, driving house prices higher than anywhere in the country, proportional to income.||6:Local opposition to a development of badly needed graduate student accommodation near Port Meadow, a beauty spot, has led to the biggest town-gown bust-up in years. | |
8 | ||1:马塔伊博士,和她身边的抗议者常遭警察毒打,也经常被捕入狱,尤其在城市绿化带运动各次抗议中总是被捕。||2:城市绿化带运动致力于植树造林工作,目前在非洲种下三到四千万株树木,赢得了广泛的支持。||3:因此,无论法院、官方和政府如何为难马塔伊,她总有力量。 | ||1: In this episode, as in others, she and fellow-protesters were beaten by the police. She was also arrested with some regularity, particularly when her Green Belt Movement tried to hold protests. ||2: Yet that movement, by concentrating most of its efforts on planting trees (30m or 40m in Africa so far), had enormous popular support. ||3: And from this Dr Maathai, no matter how much she was frustrated by the courts, the bureaucracy and the political establishment, drew her strength. | |
9 | ||1:切希尔表示,答案可以更简单些:政府应修订计划规定,允许在绿化地带修建房屋,“强制”执行即可解决这个问题。||2:但是这类变革的益处要过很久才能显示出来。||3:邻避症候群((NIMBY=not in my back yard,指反对建筑有害设施的运动或人)的阻挠显而易见,尤其是大选迫在眉睫的情况下。 | ||1:The answer is simpler, says Mr Cheshire: the government should amend planning regulations to allow construction on the green belt . “Nothing short of radical” solutions will solve the problem, he says.||2:But the benefits of such changes take a long time to filter through.||3:The drawbacks for NIMBYs are apparent immediately, especially just ahead of an election. | |
10 | ||1:在9月份发表的书中,巴克表示,英国的规划系统如今零散又低效。||2:各个当地规划局(LAs)都要求一个能符合中央政府批准的发展目标的中期计划。||3:但总体规划和个体发展都会被阻断。||4:LAs发现那些跨界的提案很难兼并施行,所以踌躇着是要在棕色地带推到旧宅筑新房还是在那些开发商钟爱的市郊绿区盖房子。||5:许多城镇城市绿化带的存在约束着发展。||6:当地人也在新房屋建设中看不到些许财政利益,因此,他们根本没有建造房屋的动力。 | ||1:In a book released in September, Ms Barker argues that England’s planning system is fragmented and slow.||2:LAs are required to have a medium-term plan which meets targets for development agreed with central government.||3:But both the overall plan and individual developments can be held up.||4:LAs find it difficult to work together on proposals which cross boundaries, and vacillate on whether to build on brownfield land, which has old buildings on it, or greenfield sites, which developers prefer.||5:The green belt around many towns constrains development.||6:And locals see few of the fiscal benefits from new homes, so there is little incentive for them to build. | |
11 | 北京第二道绿化隔离带建设中的土地利用补偿制度分析 | Analysis on the land utilization compensation system of Beijing Second Green Belt | |
12 | 北京护城河内侧绿化带(崇文段)规划设计 | The Planning and Design of Beijing City Moat Inner Green Belt (Chongwen Section) | |
13 | 城市道路绿化带土壤侵蚀和TSP污染的相关性研究 | A Correlation Study of Soil Erosion in Road Green Belt and Urban TSP Pollution | |
14 | 城市街道绿地土壤浅析 | Study on the soil in green belt of city streets | |
15 | 城市快速路绿化带排水问题探讨 | On the drainage system of urban highway green belt | |
16 | 多效唑处理对绿化带白三叶生长的影响 | Effect of paclobutrazol on white clover growth in the TEDA green belt | |
17 | 公路绿化带草坪杂草化学治理效果的评价 | Estimation on Chemical Weeding in Lawn of Green Belt along Highway | |
18 | 合理确定化工区的绿地率及相应措施 | Fixing Green Belt Ratio in Chemical Park and Countermeasures | |
19 | 惠灵顿外围绿化带规划 | Outer Green Belt Planning of Wellington | |
20 | 她1977年所创办的城市绿化带已经种植了成千上百的树。 | Her Green Belt Movement, which she founded in 1977, planted tens of millions of trees. | |
21 | 绿丝带行动组织表示,葬礼事宜将于近日公布。 | Funeral arrangements were to be announced soon, the Green Belt Movement said. | |
22 | 拟在绿化地带进行发展而按照城市规划条例第16条提出的规划申请 | Application for Development within Green Belt Zone under Section 16 of the Town Planning Ordinance | |
23 | 上海城市绿化建设建言 | An Opinion on Shanghai City Green Belt Construction | |
24 | 苏州园林在城市绿地景观中的运用--以苏州市环古城绿化带为例 | Skills of Suzhou gardens used in urban landscape--With green belt around ancient towns of Suzhou as an example | |
25 | 由农业区、林业区、自然保护区和中小城镇组成乡村绿化带。 | From the agricultural areas, forest areas, nature reserves and rural green belt composed of small towns. | |
26 | 在河的两岸有大片大片的绿化带,远远望去,和白浪河一并伸向远方。 | The river’s two sides had large tracts of green belt , from afar, and the whitecaps along river stretch far away. |